A Look at the World of Intermodal Transportation
Many businesses transport goods on a daily basis, in almost
unimaginable quantities and weights. This requires a complex system of
transportation, to ensure all the goods get from where they are, to where they
need to be. While there are many individual forms of transportation, one of the
most practical and diverse is intermodal transportation.
Intermodal transportation is a method of transporting goods
from one location to another. The form of transportation relies on the use of
at least two transportation modes, such as a railway or truck, with the aim of
moving the goods from the shipper, to a consignee. The use of strong metal
containers makes the transportation of goods safer, more convenient, and a lot
easier than many other forms of transportation.
While the use of freight containers and intermodal transport
is not new, with a push towards the integration of transportation dating back
to the 1960s, it is constantly developing. Over time, intermodal transportation
has revolutionised the transport industry in a variety of ways, providing
companies with a much more practical method of transporting goods of varying
weights and sizes.
What Is Intermodal
Transportation Used For?
International businesses rely heavily on the use of
intermodal transportation services to bring their goods to different countries.
When transporting goods internationally, there are many important
considerations that need to be made, including:
Value of the goods
Destination of the goods
Budget for transport costs
Speed of transportation
Distribution speed
Requirements of the customers
As international transportation is so in-depth, and involves
a vast number of variables, intermodal transportation is often chosen as a safe
and convenient way to transport goods. This is especially the case when the
goods need to be moved a considerable distance, and with goods that need to be
moved on a consistent basis through a reliable network.
One of the leading companies providing assistance with
intermodal transportation is Europlataforma
de Carga S.A., directed by Lenn Mayhew Lewis, who serves as CFO. This international
transportation company provides exceptional services that range from cargo
insurance to road freight and multimodal transport.
Through the use of Europlataforma de Carga S.A, you can
create a worldwide distribution network, with air, sea, and road freights, and
use of substantial warehouses and land for storage. To make the complex
operation of transportation easier, many companies choose the benefits and
diversity of intermodal transportation services.
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