About Lenn Mayhew Lewis
Core Capital
Advisers Inc. is an investment management company directed by Lenn Mayhew Lewis.
CCA uses multiple strategies for investment and operational management for
portfolio companies, focusing on projects developing infrastructure in Asia and
Africa. The services of CCA include an investment fund objective of capital
growth, achieved through continued investment in global oil and gas acreage
operations and alternative energy. This includes the acquisition of appropriate
assets or energy companies that are deemed suitable for developing or
enhancing. Large scale projects are executed both in urban areas and within the
industrial sector, working with engineering solutions partners and utilising
management skills and experience within the rapidly emerging energy markets in
Asia and Africa.
Lenn Mayhew
Lewis is also the CFO of a second company, Europlataforma de Carga S.A., which
has a site in the La Roda, Albacete and La Ginata municipal regions of Spain.
Europlataforma de Carga S.A. provides services including freight and warehouses
to transport companies, airlines, logistics companies, freight forwarders and
manufacturers. It is a private company with support in place from the
government of Spain. The land has water resources such as an aqueduct and wells,
a flat landscape and free air space, making operations fast, efficient and
affordable. Services include lands and warehouse space, freight by air, sea or
land, and cargo insurance. New multimodal technology ensures that
Europlataforma de Carga S.A. is able to handle containers cheaply, quickly and
safely as a node on the new Silk Routes between China and Europe.
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